Part of twisted.trial View Source
Maintainer: Jonathan Lange
Function | suiteVisit | Visit each test in suite with visitor . |
Class | TestSuite | Extend the standard library's TestSuite with support for
the visitor pattern and a consistently overrideable run
method. |
Function | isPackage | Given an object return True if the object looks like a package |
Function | isPackageDirectory | Is the directory at path 'dirname' a Python package directory? Returns the name of the __init__ file (it may have a weird extension) if dirname is a package directory. Otherwise, returns False |
Function | samefile | A hacky implementation of os.path.samefile . Used by filenameToModule
when the platform doesn't provide os.path.samefile . Do not use
this. |
Function | filenameToModule | Given a filename, do whatever possible to return a module object matching that file. |
Class | DestructiveTestSuite | A test suite which remove the tests once run, to minimize memory usage. |
Class | LoggedSuite | Any errors logged in this suite will be reported to the TestResult
object. |
Class | PyUnitTestCase | DEPRECATED in Twisted 8.0. |
Class | DocTestCase | DEPRECATED in Twisted 8.0. |
Class | TrialSuite | Suite to wrap around every single test in a trial run. Used
internally by Trial to set up things necessary for Trial tests to work,
regardless of what context they are run in. |
Function | name | |
Function | isTestCase | |
Class | TestHolder | Placeholder for a TestCase
inside a reporter. As far as a TestResult
is concerned, this looks exactly like a unit test. |
Class | ErrorHolder | No summary |
Class | TestLoader | I find tests inside function, modules, files -- whatever -- then return
them wrapped inside a Test (either a TestSuite or a
TestCase ). |
Class | DryRunVisitor | A visitor that makes a reporter think that every test visited has run successfully. |
Class | TrialRunner | A specialised runner that the trial front end uses. |
Function | _importFromFile | Undocumented |
Function | _resolveDirectory | Undocumented |
Function | _getMethodNameInClass | Find the attribute name on the method's class which refers to the method. |
with visitor
Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
Parameters | visitor | A callable which takes a single argument, the TestCase
instance to visit.
Returns | None |
. Used by filenameToModule
when the platform doesn't provide os.path.samefile
. Do not use
this.If the file in question is a module in Python path, properly import and return that module. Otherwise, load the source manually.
Parameters | fn | A filename. |
Returns | A module object. | |
Raises | ValueError | If fn does not exist.
For some methods, notably decorators which have not had __name__ set correctly:
getattr(method.im_class, method.__name__) != method
Parameters | thing | an object from modules (instance of PythonModule, PythonAttribute), a TestCase subclass, or an instance of a TestCase. |
Returns | True if obj is a class that contains test cases,
False otherwise. Used to find all the tests in a module.