Part of twisted.web.server View Source View In Hierarchy
This utility class contains no functionality, but is used to represent a session.
Instance Variables | _reactor | An object providing IReactorTime to use for scheduling
sessionTimeout | timeout of a session, in seconds. | |
loopFactory | Deprecated in Twisted 9.0. Does nothing. Do not use. |
Method | __init__ | Initialize a session with a unique ID for that session. |
Method | startCheckingExpiration | Start expiration tracking. |
Method | notifyOnExpire | Call this callback when the session expires or logs out. |
Method | expire | Expire/logout of the session. |
Method | touch | Notify session modification. |
Method | checkExpired | Deprecated; does nothing. |
Inherited from Componentized:
Method | locateAdapterClass | Undocumented |
Method | setAdapter | Undocumented |
Method | addAdapter | Utility method that calls addComponent. I take an adapter class and instantiate it with myself as the first argument. |
Method | setComponent | Undocumented |
Method | addComponent | Add a component to me, for all appropriate interfaces. |
Method | unsetComponent | Remove my component specified by the given interface class. |
Method | removeComponent | Remove the given component from me entirely, for all interfaces for which it has been registered. |
Method | getComponent | Create or retrieve an adapter for the given interface. |
Method | __conform__ | Undocumented |
Inherited from Versioned (via Componentized):
Method | __setstate__ | Undocumented |
Method | __getstate__ | Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out. |
Method | versionUpgrade | (internal) Do a version upgrade. |
Parameters | lifetime | Ignored; deprecated. |
Returns | None