Part of twisted.web.twcgi View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Initialize. |
Method | getChild | Retrieve a 'child' resource from me. |
Method | render | Render a given resource. See IResource 's
render method. |
Inherited from Resource:
Method | listStaticNames | Undocumented |
Method | listStaticEntities | Undocumented |
Method | listNames | Undocumented |
Method | listEntities | Undocumented |
Method | listDynamicNames | Undocumented |
Method | listDynamicEntities | Undocumented |
Method | getStaticEntity | Undocumented |
Method | getDynamicEntity | Undocumented |
Method | delEntity | Undocumented |
Method | reallyPutEntity | Undocumented |
Method | getChildWithDefault | Retrieve a static or dynamically generated child resource from me. |
Method | getChildForRequest | Undocumented |
Method | putChild | Register a static child. |
Method | render_HEAD | Default handling of HEAD method. |
Inherited from FilePath:
Method | __getstate__ | Support serialization by discarding cached os.stat results
and returning everything else. |
Method | child | Create and return a new FilePath
representing a path contained by self . |
Method | preauthChild | Use me if `path' might have slashes in it, but you know they're safe. |
Method | childSearchPreauth | Return my first existing child with a name in 'paths'. |
Method | siblingExtensionSearch | Attempt to return a path with my name, given multiple possible extensions. |
Method | realpath | No summary |
Method | siblingExtension | Undocumented |
Method | linkTo | No summary |
Method | open | Open this file using mode or for writing if
alwaysCreate is True . |
Method | restat | Re-calculate cached effects of 'stat'. To refresh information on this path after you know the filesystem may have changed, call this method. |
Method | changed | Clear any cached information about the state of this path on disk. |
Method | chmod | Changes the permissions on self, if possible. Propagates errors from
os.chmod up. |
Method | getsize | Undocumented |
Method | getModificationTime | Retrieve the time of last access from this file. |
Method | getStatusChangeTime | Retrieve the time of the last status change for this file. |
Method | getAccessTime | Retrieve the time that this file was last accessed. |
Method | getInodeNumber | Retrieve the file serial number, also called inode number, which distinguishes this file from all other files on the same device. |
Method | getDevice | Retrieves the device containing the file. The inode number and device number together uniquely identify the file, but the device number is not necessarily consistent across reboots or system crashes. |
Method | getNumberOfHardLinks | No summary |
Method | getUserID | Returns the user ID of the file's owner. |
Method | getGroupID | Returns the group ID of the file. |
Method | getPermissions | Returns the permissions of the file. Should also work on Windows, however, those permissions may not what is expected in Windows. |
Method | exists | Check if this FilePath
exists. |
Method | isdir | |
Method | isfile | |
Method | isBlockDevice | Returns whether the underlying path is a block device. |
Method | isSocket | Returns whether the underlying path is a socket. |
Method | islink | |
Method | isabs | |
Method | listdir | List the base names of the direct children of this FilePath . |
Method | splitext | |
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | touch | Update the access and modified times of the FilePath 's
file. |
Method | remove | No summary |
Method | makedirs | Create all directories not yet existing in path segments,
using os.makedirs . |
Method | globChildren | Assuming I am representing a directory, return a list of FilePaths representing my children that match the given pattern. |
Method | basename | |
Method | dirname | |
Method | parent | |
Method | setContent | Replace the file at this path with a new file that contains the given bytes, trying to avoid data-loss in the meanwhile. |
Method | __cmp__ | Undocumented |
Method | createDirectory | Create the directory the FilePath
refers to. |
Method | requireCreate | Undocumented |
Method | create | Exclusively create a file, only if this file previously did not exist. |
Method | temporarySibling | Construct a path referring to a sibling of this path. |
Method | copyTo | Copies self to destination. |
Method | moveTo | No summary |
Inherited from _PathHelper (via FilePath):
Method | getContent | Undocumented |
Method | parents | |
Method | children | List the children of this path object. |
Method | walk | No summary |
Method | sibling | Return a FilePath with
the same directory as this instance but with a basename of
path . |
Method | descendant | Retrieve a child or child's child of this path. |
Method | segmentsFrom | Return a list of segments between a child and its ancestor. |
Method | __hash__ | Hash the same as another FilePath with the same path as mine. |
Method | getmtime | Deprecated. Use getModificationTime instead. |
Method | getatime | Deprecated. Use getAccessTime instead. |
Method | getctime | Deprecated. Use getStatusChangeTime instead. |
Implement this to create dynamic resource generation -- resources which are always available may be registered with self.putChild().
This will not be called if the class-level variable 'isLeaf' is set in your subclass; instead, the 'postpath' attribute of the request will be left as a list of the remaining path elements.
For example, the URL /foo/bar/baz will normally be:
| site.resource.getChild('foo').getChild('bar').getChild('baz').
However, if the resource returned by 'bar' has isLeaf set to true, then the getChild call will never be made on it.
Parameters | path | a string, describing the child |
request | a twisted.web.server.Request specifying meta-information about the request that is being made for this child. |
render method.
I delegate to methods of self with the form 'render_METHOD' where METHOD is the HTTP that was used to make the request. Examples: render_GET, render_HEAD, render_POST, and so on. Generally you should implement those methods instead of overriding this one.
render_METHOD methods are expected to return a string which will be the rendered page, unless the return value is twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET, in which case it is this class's responsibility to write the results to request.write(data), then call request.finish().
Old code that overrides render() directly is likewise expected to return a string or NOT_DONE_YET.