t.i._.BaseProcess(Ephemeral) : class documentation

Part of twisted.internet._baseprocess View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.internet._dumbwin32proc.Process, twisted.internet.process._BaseProcess

No class docstring
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method processEnded This is called when the child terminates.
Method maybeCallProcessEnded Call processEnded on protocol after final cleanup.
Method _callProcessExited Undocumented

Inherited from Ephemeral:

Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, protocol): (source)
def _callProcessExited(self, reason): (source)
def processEnded(self, status): (source)
This is called when the child terminates.
def maybeCallProcessEnded(self): (source)
Call processEnded on protocol after final cleanup.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.