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t.i.gtk3reactor : module documentation

Part of twisted.internet View Source

This module provides support for Twisted to interact with the gtk3 mainloop via Gobject introspection. This is like gi, but slightly slower and requires a working $DISPLAY.

In order to use this support, simply do the following:

   from twisted.internet import gtk3reactor

If you wish to use a GApplication, register it with the reactor:

   from twisted.internet import reactor

Then use twisted.internet APIs as usual.

Class Gtk3Reactor A reactor using the gtk3+ event loop.
Class PortableGtk3Reactor Portable GTK+ 3.x reactor.
Function install Configure the Twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk3+ mainloop.
def install(): (source)
Configure the Twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk3+ mainloop.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-09-01 11:44:56.