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t.m.p.VirtualPOP3(pop3.POP3) : class documentation

Part of twisted.mail.protocols View Source View In Hierarchy

Virtual hosting POP3.
Method authenticateUserAPOP Perform authentication of an APOP login.
Method authenticateUserPASS Perform authentication of a username/password login.
Method lookupDomain Undocumented

Inherited from POP3:

Instance Variable portal A reference to the twisted.cred.portal.Portal instance we will authenticate through.
Instance Variable factory A twisted.mail.pop3.IServerFactory which will be used to determine some extended behavior of the server.
Instance Variable timeOut An integer which defines the minimum amount of time which may elapse without receiving any traffic after which the client will be disconnected.
Instance Variable schedule A one-argument callable which should behave like twisted.internet.task.coiterate.
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method generateMagic Undocumented
Method successResponse Undocumented
Method failResponse Undocumented
Method lineReceived Override this for when each line is received.
Method state_COMMAND Undocumented
Method processCommand Undocumented
Method listCapabilities Undocumented
Method do_CAPA Undocumented
Method do_AUTH Undocumented
Method state_AUTH Undocumented
Method do_APOP Undocumented
Method do_USER Undocumented
Method do_PASS Undocumented
Method do_STAT Undocumented
Method do_LIST Undocumented
Method do_UIDL Undocumented
Method do_TOP Undocumented
Method do_RETR Undocumented
Method transformChunk Undocumented
Method finishedFileTransfer Undocumented
Method do_DELE Undocumented
Method do_NOOP Perform no operation. Return a success code
Method do_RSET Unset all deleted message flags
Method do_LAST Return the index of the highest message yet downloaded.
Method do_RPOP Undocumented
Method do_QUIT Undocumented
Method _unblock Undocumented
Method _cbMailbox Undocumented
Method _ebMailbox Undocumented
Method _ebUnexpected Undocumented
Method _longOperation Undocumented
Method _coiterate Undocumented
Method _getMessageFile Retrieve the size and contents of a given message, as a two-tuple.
Method _sendMessageContent Undocumented

Inherited from LineOnlyReceiver (via POP3):

Class Variable delimiter The line-ending delimiter to use. By default this is b'\r\n'.
Class Variable MAX_LENGTH The maximum length of a line to allow (If a sent line is longer than this, the connection is dropped). Default is 16384.
Method dataReceived Translates bytes into lines, and calls lineReceived.
Method sendLine Sends a line to the other end of the connection.
Method lineLengthExceeded Called when the maximum line length has been reached. Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way.

Inherited from Protocol (via POP3, LineOnlyReceiver):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via POP3, LineOnlyReceiver, Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.

Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via POP3):

Method callLater Wrapper around reactor.callLater for test purpose.
Method resetTimeout Reset the timeout count down.
Method setTimeout Change the timeout period
Method timeoutConnection Called when the connection times out.
Method __timedOut Undocumented
def authenticateUserAPOP(self, user, digest): (source)
Perform authentication of an APOP login.
ParametersuserThe name of the user attempting to log in. (type: str)
digestThe response string with which the user replied. (type: str)
ReturnsA deferred whose callback is invoked if the login is successful, and whose errback will be invoked otherwise. The callback will be passed a 3-tuple consisting of IMailbox, an object implementing IMailbox, and a zero-argument callable to be invoked when this session is terminated. (type: Deferred)
def authenticateUserPASS(self, user, password): (source)
Perform authentication of a username/password login.
ParametersuserThe name of the user attempting to log in. (type: str)
passwordThe password to attempt to authenticate with. (type: str)
ReturnsA deferred whose callback is invoked if the login is successful, and whose errback will be invoked otherwise. The callback will be passed a 3-tuple consisting of IMailbox, an object implementing IMailbox, and a zero-argument callable to be invoked when this session is terminated. (type: Deferred)
def lookupDomain(self, user): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.