t.n.d.Record_AFSDB(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin) : class documentation

Part of twisted.names.dns View Source View In Hierarchy

Map from a domain name to the name of an AFS cell database server.
See Alsohttp://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1183.html
Instance Variable subtype In the case of subtype 1, the host has an AFS version 3.0 Volume Location Server for the named AFS cell. In the case of subtype 2, the host has an authenticated name server holding the cell-root directory node for the named DCE/NCA cell. (type: int)
Instance Variable hostname The domain name of a host that has a server for the cell named by this record. (type: Name)
Instance Variable ttl The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached. (type: int)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method encode Undocumented
Method decode Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented

Inherited from FancyStrMixin:

Method __str__ Undocumented

Inherited from FancyEqMixin:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
subtype =
In the case of subtype 1, the host has an AFS version 3.0 Volume Location Server for the named AFS cell. In the case of subtype 2, the host has an authenticated name server holding the cell-root directory node for the named DCE/NCA cell. (type: int)
hostname =
The domain name of a host that has a server for the cell named by this record. (type: Name)
ttl =
The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached. (type: int)
def __init__(self, subtype=0, hostname='', ttl=None): (source)
def encode(self, strio, compDict=None): (source)
def decode(self, strio, length=None): (source)
def __hash__(self): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.