t.n.dns : module documentation

Part of twisted.names View Source

DNS protocol implementation.

Future Plans:

Function randomSource Wrapper around randbytes.secureRandom to return 2 random chars.
Interface IRecord An single entry in a zone of authority.
Function str2time Parse a string description of an interval into an integer number of seconds.
Function readPrecisely Undocumented
Interface IEncodable Interface for something which can be encoded to and decoded from a file object.
Class Charstr No class docstring; 3/7 methods documented
Class Name A name in the domain name system, made up of multiple labels. For example, twistedmatrix.com.
Class Query Represent a single DNS query.
Class RRHeader A resource record header.
Class SimpleRecord A Resource Record which consists of a single RFC 1035 domain-name.
Class Record_NS An authoritative nameserver.
Class Record_MD A mail destination.
Class Record_MF A mail forwarder.
Class Record_CNAME The canonical name for an alias.
Class Record_MB A mailbox domain name.
Class Record_MG A mail group member.
Class Record_MR A mail rename domain name.
Class Record_PTR A domain name pointer.
Class Record_DNAME A non-terminal DNS name redirection.
Class Record_A An IPv4 host address.
Class Record_SOA Marks the start of a zone of authority.
Class Record_NULL A null record.
Class Record_WKS A well known service description.
Class Record_AAAA An IPv6 host address.
Class Record_A6 An IPv6 address.
Class Record_SRV The location of the server(s) for a specific protocol and domain.
Class Record_NAPTR The location of the server(s) for a specific protocol and domain.
Class Record_AFSDB Map from a domain name to the name of an AFS cell database server.
Class Record_RP The responsible person for a domain.
Class Record_HINFO Host information.
Class Record_MINFO Mailbox or mail list information.
Class Record_MX Mail exchange.
Class Record_TXT Freeform text.
Class UnknownRecord Encapsulate the wire data for unknown record types so that they can pass through the system unchanged.
Class Record_SPF Structurally, freeform text. Semantically, a policy definition, formatted as defined in rfc 4408.
Class Message Message contains all the information represented by a single DNS request or response.
Class DNSMixin DNS protocol mixin shared by UDP and TCP implementations.
Class DNSDatagramProtocol DNS protocol over UDP.
Class DNSProtocol DNS protocol over TCP.
Function _ord2bytes Construct a bytes object representing a single byte with the given ordinal value.
Function _nicebytes Represent a mostly textful bytes object in a way suitable for presentation to an end user.
Function _nicebyteslist Represent a list of mostly textful bytes objects in a way suitable for presentation to an end user.
def _ord2bytes(ordinal): (source)
Construct a bytes object representing a single byte with the given ordinal value.
Returns (type: bytes)
def _nicebytes(bytes): (source)
Represent a mostly textful bytes object in a way suitable for presentation to an end user.
ParametersbytesThe bytes to represent.
Returns (type: str)
def _nicebyteslist(list): (source)
Represent a list of mostly textful bytes objects in a way suitable for presentation to an end user.
ParameterslistThe list of bytes to represent.
Returns (type: str)
def randomSource(): (source)
Wrapper around randbytes.secureRandom to return 2 random chars.
def str2time(s): (source)
Parse a string description of an interval into an integer number of seconds.
ParameterssAn interval definition constructed as an interval duration followed by an interval unit. An interval duration is a base ten representation of an integer. An interval unit is one of the following letters: S (seconds), M (minutes), H (hours), D (days), W (weeks), or Y (years). For example: "3S" indicates an interval of three seconds; "5D" indicates an interval of five days. Alternatively, s may be any non-string and it will be returned unmodified. (type: text string (str) for parsing; anything else for passthrough.)
Returnsan int giving the interval represented by the string s, or whatever s is if it is not a string.
def readPrecisely(file, l): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.