Known implementations: twisted.internet.endpoints._TCPServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.StandardIOEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint

A stream server endpoint is a place that a Factory can listen for incoming connections.

Present Since10.1
Method listen Listen with protocolFactory at the location specified by this IStreamServerEndpoint provider.
def listen(protocolFactory): (source)

Listen with protocolFactory at the location specified by this IStreamServerEndpoint provider.

ParametersprotocolFactoryA provider of IProtocolFactory
ReturnsA Deferred that results in an IListeningPort or an CannotListenError
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.