Implements interfaces: twisted.cred.credentials.IUsernamePassword

Credentials for use in APOP authentication.

Instance Variable magic See __init__
Instance Variable username See __init__
Instance Variable digest See __init__
Method __init__
Method checkPassword Validate a plaintext password against the credentials.
magic =
See __init__
username =
See __init__
digest =
See __init__
def __init__(self, magic, username, digest): (source)
ParametersmagicThe challenge string used to encrypt the password. (type: bytes)
usernameThe username associated with these credentials. (type: bytes)
digestAn encrypted version of the user's password. Should be generated as an MD5 hash of the challenge string concatenated with the plaintext password. (type: bytes)
def checkPassword(self, password): (source)

Validate a plaintext password against the credentials.

ParameterspasswordA plaintext password. (type: bytes)
ReturnsTrue if the credentials represented by this object match the given password, False if they do not. (type: bool)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.