Post-office Protocol version 3.

AuthorsGlyph Lefkowitz
Jp Calderone
Class APOPCredentials Credentials for use in APOP authentication.
Class POP3Error The base class for POP3 errors.
Function iterateLineGenerator Direct the output of an iterator to the transport of a protocol and arrange for iteration to take place.
Function successResponse Format an object as a positive response.
Function formatStatResponse Format a list of message sizes into a STAT response.
Function formatListLines Format a list of message sizes for use in a LIST response.
Function formatListResponse Format a list of message sizes into a complete LIST response.
Function formatUIDListLines Format a list of message sizes for use in a UIDL response.
Function formatUIDListResponse Format a list of message sizes into a complete UIDL response.
Class POP3 A POP3 server protocol.
Interface IServerFactory An interface for querying capabilities of a POP3 server.
Interface IMailbox An interface for mailbox access.
Class Mailbox A base class for mailboxes.
Class POP3Client A POP3 client protocol.
Class AdvancedPOP3Client A POP3 client protocol.
Class POP3ClientError The base class for all exceptions raised by POP3Client.
Class InsecureAuthenticationDisallowed An error indicating secure authentication was required but no mechanism could be found.
Class ServerErrorResponse An error indicating that the server returned an error response to a request.
Class LineTooLong An error indicating that the server sent a line which exceeded the maximum line length (LineOnlyReceiver.MAX_LENGTH).
Class TLSError An error indicating secure authentication was required but either the transport does not support TLS or no TLS context factory was supplied.
Class TLSNotSupportedError An error indicating secure authentication was required but the server does not support TLS.
Class _HeadersPlusNLines A utility class to retrieve the header and some lines of the body of a mail message.
Class _POP3MessageDeleted An internal control-flow error which indicates that a deleted message was requested.
Class _IteratorBuffer An iterator which buffers the elements of a container and periodically passes them as input to a writer.
def iterateLineGenerator(proto, gen): (source)

Direct the output of an iterator to the transport of a protocol and arrange for iteration to take place.

ParametersprotoA POP3 server protocol. (type: POP3)
genAn iterator over strings. (type: iterator which yields bytes)
ReturnsA deferred which fires when the iterator finishes. (type: Deferred)
def successResponse(response): (source)

Format an object as a positive response.

ParametersresponseAn object with a string representation. (type: stringifyable object)
ReturnsA positive POP3 response string. (type: bytes)
def formatStatResponse(msgs): (source)

Format a list of message sizes into a STAT response.

This generator function is intended to be used with Cooperator.

ParametersmsgsA list of message sizes. (type: list of int)
ReturnsYields none until a result is available, then a string that is suitable for use in a STAT response. The string consists of the number of messages and the total size of the messages in octets. (type: NoneType or bytes)
def formatListLines(msgs): (source)

Format a list of message sizes for use in a LIST response.

ParametersmsgsA list of message sizes. (type: list of int)
ReturnsYields a series of strings that are suitable for use as scan listings in a LIST response. Each string consists of a message number and its size in octets. (type: bytes)
def formatListResponse(msgs): (source)

Format a list of message sizes into a complete LIST response.

This generator function is intended to be used with Cooperator.

ParametersmsgsA list of message sizes. (type: list of int)
ReturnsYields a series of strings which make up a complete LIST response. (type: bytes)
def formatUIDListLines(msgs, getUidl): (source)

Format a list of message sizes for use in a UIDL response.

ParametersmsgsA list of message sizes. (type: list of int)
ReturnsYields a series of strings that are suitable for use as unique-id listings in a UIDL response. Each string consists of a message number and its unique id. (type: bytes)
def formatUIDListResponse(msgs, getUidl): (source)

Format a list of message sizes into a complete UIDL response.

This generator function is intended to be used with Cooperator.

ParametersmsgsA list of message sizes. (type: list of int)
ReturnsYields a series of strings which make up a complete UIDL response. (type: bytes)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.