Part of twisted.spread.flavors View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.spread.publish.RemotePublished
A cache is a local representation of a remote Cacheable
This represents the last known state of this object. It may also have
methods invoked on it -- in order to update caches, the cached class
generates a pb.RemoteReference
to this object as it is originally sent.
Method | remoteMessageReceived | A remote message has been received. Dispatch it appropriately. |
Method | jellyFor | serialize me (only for the broker I'm for) as the original cached reference |
Method | unjellyFor | Perform the inverse operation of Jellyable.jellyFor .
Method | __cmp__ | Compare me [to another RemoteCache. |
Method | __hash__ | Hash me. |
Method | __del__ | Do distributed reference counting on finalize. |
Inherited from RemoteCopy:
Method | setCopyableState | I will be invoked with the state to copy locally. |
Inherited from Unjellyable (via RemoteCopy):
Method | setStateFor | Undocumented |
Inherited from Serializable:
Method | processUniqueID | Return an ID which uniquely represents this object for this process. |
Inherited from Jellyable (via Serializable):
Method | getStateFor | Undocumented |
A remote message has been received. Dispatch it appropriately.
The default implementation is to dispatch to a method called 'observe_messagename
' and call it on my with the same
See Also | twisted.spread.interfaces.IUnjellyable.unjellyFor