t.s.flavors : module documentation

Part of twisted.spread View Source

This module represents flavors of remotely acessible objects.

Currently this is only objects accessible through Perspective Broker, but will hopefully encompass all forms of remote access which can emulate subsets of PB (such as XMLRPC or SOAP).

Future Plans: Optimization. Exploitation of new-style object model. Optimizations to this module should not affect external-use semantics at all, but may have a small impact on users who subclass and override methods.
AuthorGlyph Lefkowitz
Class NoSuchMethod Raised if there is no such remote method
Interface IPBRoot Factory for root Referenceable objects for PB servers.
Class Serializable An object that can be passed remotely.
Class Referenceable No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class Root I provide a root object to pb.Brokers for a pb.BrokerFactory.
Class ViewPoint I act as an indirect reference to an object accessed through a pb.Perspective.
Class Viewable I will be converted to a ViewPoint when passed to or returned from a remote method.
Class Copyable Subclass me to get copied each time you are returned from or passed to a remote method.
Class Cacheable A cached instance.
Class RemoteCopy I am a remote copy of a Copyable object.
Class RemoteCache A cache is a local representation of a remote Cacheable object.
Function unjellyCached Undocumented
Function unjellyLCache Undocumented
Function unjellyLocal Undocumented
Class RemoteCacheMethod A method on a reference to a RemoteCache.
Class RemoteCacheObserver I am a reverse-reference to the peer's RemoteCache.
def unjellyCached(unjellier, unjellyList): (source)
def unjellyLCache(unjellier, unjellyList): (source)
def unjellyLocal(unjellier, unjellyList): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 15:57:47.