t.p.b.NetstringReceiver(protocol.Protocol) : class documentation

Part of twisted.protocols.basic View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.protocols.basic.SafeNetstringReceiver

This uses djb's Netstrings protocol to break up the input into strings.

Each string makes a callback to stringReceived, with a single argument of that string.

Security features:
  1. Messages are limited in size, useful if you don't want someone sending you a 500MB netstring (change MAX_LENGTH to the maximum length you wish to accept).
  2. The connection is lost if an illegal message is received.
Method stringReceived Override this.
Method doData Undocumented
Method doComma Undocumented
Method doLength Undocumented
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method sendString Undocumented

Inherited from Protocol:

Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
def stringReceived(self, line): (source)
Override this.
def doData(self): (source)
def doComma(self): (source)
def doLength(self): (source)
def dataReceived(self, data): (source)

Called whenever data is received.

Use this method to translate to a higher-level message. Usually, some callback will be made upon the receipt of each complete protocol message.
Parametersdataa string of indeterminate length. Please keep in mind that you will probably need to buffer some data, as partial (or multiple) protocol messages may be received! I recommend that unit tests for protocols call through to this method with differing chunk sizes, down to one byte at a time.
def sendString(self, data): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:02:37.