(View In Hierarchy)
Implements interfaces: tubes.itube.IFount
The concrete fount type returned by Out.newFount
Method | __init__ | |
Method | flowTo | Flow to the given drain. Don't do anything special; just set up the drain attribute and return the appropriate value. |
Method | pauseFlow | Pause the flow. |
Method | stopFlow | Invoke the callback supplied to __init__ for stopping. |
Method | _deliverOne | Deliver one item to this fount's drain. |
Parameters | upstreamPauser | A Pauser which will pause
the upstream fount flowing into our Out . |
stopper | A 0-argument callback to execute on IFount.stopFlow |
Flow to the given drain. Don't do anything special; just set up the drain attribute and return the appropriate value.
Parameters | drain | A drain to fan out values to. |
Returns | the result of drain.flowingFrom |