module documentationtubes
Interfaces related to data flows.
Class | AlreadyUnpaused | The IPause has
already been unpaused. |
Class | StopFlowCalled | IFount.stopFlow
was called, and that's why the flow was stopped. |
Interface | IPause | A pause is a reason
that an IFount is not
delivering output to its drain attribute. This reason may be
removed by unpausing the
pause. |
Interface | IFount | A fount produces objects for a drain to consume. |
Interface | IDrain | A drain consumes objects from a fount. |
Interface | ITube | A tube transforms input into output. |
Interface | IDivertable | An IDivertable
is an ITube which may
have its input diverted away from it. |
Interface | ISegment | This is a marker interface for a bytes
which represents the arbitrarily-sized segments of data that a
stream-oriented protocol may deliver; contrast with IFrame . |
Interface | IFrame | This is a marker interface for a bytes
which represents a discrete, separated sequence of bytes within a protocol;
contrast with ISegment . |