Known implementations: tubes.framing._SegmentsToFrames

An IDivertable is an ITube which may have its input diverted away from it.

Method reassemble Reverse the transformation done by calling received, so as to provide any buffered output as input to the drain where this IDivertable is being diverted.

Inherited from ITube:

Attribute inputType The type expected to be received as input to received.
Attribute outputType The type expected to be sent as output to tube.deliver.
Method started The flow of items has started. received may be called at any point after this.
Method received An item was received from 'upstream', i.e. the framework, or the lower-level data source that this ITube is interacting with.
Method stopped The flow of data from this ITube's input has ceased; this corresponds to IDrain.flowStopped.
def reassemble(data):

Reverse the transformation done by calling received, so as to provide any buffered output as input to the drain where this IDivertable is being diverted.

ParametersdataThe objects which had been returned from ITube.received which had been buffered. (type: list)
ReturnsA list of objects such that, if received was called successively with each object in the returned list, tube.deliver would be called successively with each object in data. This does not need to be exactly equal to what was originally passed in as long as it achieves the same effect. Any objects which were buffered by the IDivertable which did not yet correspond to a tube.deliver call should be included as well. (type: list)
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.