module documentationtubes
Toolkit to alleviate some of the duplication in constructing your own IFount and IDrain implementations.
Class | Pauser | Multiple parties may be interested in suppressing some ongoing concurrent activity, each for their own purposes. |
Function | beginFlowingTo | To correctly implement fount.flowTo you need to do certain things; do those things here. |
Function | beginFlowingFrom | To correctly implement drain.flowingFrom you need to do certian things; do those things here. |
Class | NoPause | A null implementation of IPause that does
nothing. |
Class | OncePause | Pause a pauser once, unpause it if necessary. |
Class | _Pause | Implementation of IPause for Pauser . |
To correctly implement fount.flowTo you need to do certain things; do those things here.
Parameters | fount | The fount implementing flowTo. |
drain | The drain flowTo was called with. | |
Returns | the next fount in the chain. |
To correctly implement drain.flowingFrom you need to do certian things; do those things here.
Parameters | drain | The drain implementing flowingFrom. |
fount | The fount flowingFrom was called with. | |
Returns | None |