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Module Index
- twisted - Twisted: The Framework Of Your Internet.
- twisted._version - Undocumented
- twisted.application - Configuration objects for Twisted Applications
- twisted.conch - Twisted.Conch: The Twisted Shell. Terminal emulation, SSHv2 and
- twisted.copyright - Copyright information for Twisted.
- twisted.cred - Twisted Cred
- twisted.enterprise - Twisted Enterprise: database support for Twisted services.
- twisted.internet - Twisted Internet: Asynchronous I/O and Events.
- twisted.internet._baseprocess - Cross-platform process-related functionality used by different
implementations. - twisted.internet._dumbwin32proc - http://isometric.sixsided.org/_/gates_in_the_head/
- twisted.internet._newtls - This module implements memory BIO based TLS support. It is the
preferred implementation and will be used whenever pyOpenSSL 0.10 or newer
is installed (whenever
importable). - twisted.internet._oldtls - No summary
- twisted.internet._pollingfile - Implements a simple polling interface for file descriptors that don't
work with select() - this is pretty much only useful on Windows.
- twisted.internet._posixserialport - Serial Port Protocol
- twisted.internet._posixstdio - Standard input/out/err support.
- twisted.internet._signals - This module provides a uniform interface to the several mechanisms which
are possibly available for dealing with signals.
- twisted.internet._ssl - This module implements helpers for switching to TLS on an existing
- twisted.internet._sslverify - No module docstring; 0/2 classes, 1/1 functions documented
- twisted.internet._threadedselect - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 1/3 functions documented
- twisted.internet._win32serialport - Serial port support for Windows.
- twisted.internet._win32stdio - Windows-specific implementation of the
interface. - twisted.internet.abstract - Support for generic select()able objects.
- twisted.internet.address - Address objects for network connections.
- twisted.internet.base - Very basic functionality for a Reactor implementation.
- twisted.internet.cfreactor - A reactor for integrating with CFRunLoop, the CoreFoundation main loop used by MacOS
- twisted.internet.default - The most suitable default reactor for the current platform.
- twisted.internet.defer - Support for results that aren't immediately available.
- twisted.internet.endpoints - Implementations of
and IStreamClientEndpoint
that wrap the IReactorTCP
and IReactorUNIX
interfaces. - twisted.internet.epollreactor - An epoll() based implementation of the twisted main loop.
- twisted.internet.error - Exceptions and errors for use in twisted.internet modules.
- twisted.internet.fdesc - Utility functions for dealing with POSIX file descriptors.
- twisted.internet.glib2reactor - No summary
- twisted.internet.gtk2reactor - This module provides support for Twisted to interact with the glib/gtk2
- twisted.internet.gtkreactor - This module provides support for Twisted to interact with the PyGTK
- twisted.internet.inotify - This module provides support for Twisted to linux inotify API.
- twisted.internet.interfaces - Interface documentation.
- twisted.internet.iocpreactor - I/O Completion Ports reactor
- twisted.internet.kqreactor - A kqueue()/kevent() based implementation of the Twisted main loop.
- twisted.internet.main - Backwards compatibility, and utility functions.
- twisted.internet.pollreactor - A poll() based implementation of the twisted main loop.
- twisted.internet.posixbase - Posix reactor base class
- twisted.internet.process - UNIX Process management.
- twisted.internet.protocol - Standard implementations of Twisted protocol-related interfaces.
- twisted.internet.pyuisupport - This module integrates PyUI with twisted.internet's mainloop.
- twisted.internet.qtreactor - Undocumented
- twisted.internet.reactor - The reactor is the Twisted event loop within Twisted, the loop which
drives applications using Twisted. The reactor provides APIs for
networking, threading, dispatching events, and more.
- twisted.internet.selectreactor - Select reactor
- twisted.internet.serialport - Serial Port Protocol
- twisted.internet.ssl - SSL transport. Requires PyOpenSSL (http://pyopenssl.sf.net).
- twisted.internet.stdio - Standard input/out/err support.
- twisted.internet.task - Scheduling utility methods and classes.
- twisted.internet.tcp - Various asynchronous TCP/IP classes.
- twisted.internet.threads - Extended thread dispatching support.
- twisted.internet.tksupport - This module integrates Tkinter with twisted.internet's mainloop.
- twisted.internet.udp - Various asynchronous UDP classes.
- twisted.internet.unix - Various asynchronous TCP/IP classes.
- twisted.internet.utils - Utility methods.
- twisted.internet.win32eventreactor - A win32event based implementation of the Twisted main loop.
- twisted.internet.wxreactor - This module provides wxPython event loop support for Twisted.
- twisted.internet.wxsupport - Old method of wxPython support for Twisted.
- twisted.lore - The Twisted Documentation Generation System
- twisted.mail - Twisted Mail: a Twisted E-Mail Server.
- twisted.manhole - Twisted Manhole: interactive interpreter and direct manipulation support
for Twisted.
- twisted.names - Resolving Internet Names
- twisted.news - Twisted News: an NNTP-based news service.
- twisted.pair - Twisted Pair: The framework of your ethernet.
- twisted.persisted - Twisted Persisted: utilities for managing persistence.
- twisted.plugin - Plugin system for Twisted.
- twisted.plugins - Plugins go in directories on your PYTHONPATH named twisted/plugins: this
is the only place where an __init__.py is necessary, thanks to the __path__
- twisted.protocols - Twisted Protocols: a collection of internet protocol
- twisted.python - Twisted Python: Utilities and Enhancements for Python.
- twisted.python._inotify - Very low-level ctypes-based interface to Linux inotify(7).
- twisted.python._release - Twisted's automated release system.
- twisted.python._shellcomp - No public APIs are provided by this module. Internal use only.
- twisted.python.compat - Compatibility module to provide backwards compatibility for useful
Python features.
- twisted.python.components - Component architecture for Twisted, based on Zope3 components.
- twisted.python.constants - Symbolic constant support, including collections and constants with
text, numeric, and bit flag values.
- twisted.python.context - Dynamic pseudo-scoping for Python.
- twisted.python.deprecate - Deprecation framework for Twisted.
- twisted.python.dist - Distutils convenience functionality.
- twisted.python.failure - Asynchronous-friendly error mechanism.
- twisted.python.fakepwd -
provides a fake implementation of the pwd
API. - twisted.python.filepath - Object-oriented filesystem path representation.
- twisted.python.finalize - A module for externalized finalizers.
- twisted.python.formmethod - Form-based method objects.
- twisted.python.hashlib - No summary
- twisted.python.hook - I define support for hookable instance methods.
- twisted.python.htmlizer - HTML rendering of Python source.
- twisted.python.lockfile - Filesystem-based interprocess mutex.
- twisted.python.log - Logging and metrics infrastructure.
- twisted.python.logfile - A rotating, browsable log file.
- twisted.python.modules - This module aims to provide a unified, object-oriented view of Python's
runtime hierarchy.
- twisted.python.monkey - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- twisted.python.otp - A One-Time Password System based on RFC 2289
- twisted.python.procutils - Utilities for dealing with processes.
- twisted.python.randbytes - Cryptographically secure random implementation, with fallback on normal
- twisted.python.rebuild - *Real* reloading support for Python.
- twisted.python.reflect - Standardized versions of various cool and/or strange things that you can
do with Python's reflection capabilities.
- twisted.python.release - A release-automation toolkit.
- twisted.python.roots - Twisted Python Roots: an abstract hierarchy representation for
- twisted.python.runtime - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- twisted.python.shortcut - Creation of Windows shortcuts.
- twisted.python.syslog - Classes and utility functions for integrating Twisted and syslog.
- twisted.python.text - Miscellany of text-munging functions.
- twisted.python.threadable - No summary
- twisted.python.threadpool - twisted.threadpool: a pool of threads to which we dispatch tasks.
- twisted.python.urlpath - Undocumented
- twisted.python.usage - twisted.python.usage is a module for parsing/handling the command line
of your program.
- twisted.python.util - No module docstring; 6/8 classes, 21/28 functions documented
- twisted.python.versions - Versions for Python packages.
- twisted.python.win32 - Win32 utilities.
- twisted.python.zippath - This module contains partial re-implementations of FilePath, pending
some specification of formal interfaces it is a duck-typing attempt to
emulate them for certain restricted uses.
- twisted.python.zipstream - An incremental approach to unzipping files. This allows you to unzip a
little bit of a file at a time, which means you can report progress as a
file unzips.
- twisted.python.zshcomp - Rebuild the completion functions for the currently active version of
Twisted:: $ python zshcomp.py -i
- twisted.runner - Twisted runer: run and monitor processes
- twisted.scripts - Subpackage containing the modules that implement the command line
- twisted.spread - Twisted Spread: Spreadable (Distributed) Computing.
- twisted.tap - Twisted TAP: Twisted Application Persistence builders for other Twisted
- twisted.trial - Asynchronous unit testing framework.
- twisted.web - No summary
- twisted.words - Twisted Words: a Twisted Chat service.